Track King XML help reference
Basic page request
Extra options
Add any of the following variables onto the URL for specialised results
- &logonly=y - A simple logon only, returns basic stable identification
- &timeref=y - timestamp at the start of the XML will include Gametime Season and Week reference information for both the previous and next week
- &fromdate=YYYY-mm-dd - date that financial information should be retrieved from (inclusive). With this option in place, financial data will be ordered solely by eventdate. Note that financial weeks often start slightly before the true start of a gameweek, and so you will need to parse the data using eventdates and start balance eventdates. This should be the order the XML data is delivered by default, so parsing for starting week balances will assist with organisation. Must be within the last 28 days
- &stable=false - allows for a speedier retrieval of data by omitting stable/financial data. This is ideal for simply updating horse facts
- &jockey=false - allows for a speedier retrieval of data by omitting jockey data. This is ideal for simply updating horse facts
- &race=c-tt-rrrr retrieves info/results for one or more selected races (c=continent, tt=track, rrrr=raceid, as identified in the horse or jockey schedule), and each race separated with a period - ie race=3-01-243.3-00-2475.4-1a-3421 . The user must have had a representative of their stable in the specified race/s, or else no data will be returned. This means data from "ex" horses may be requested by this method, but a list of prior races for any newly acquired horses may not be obtained via this method. NOTE: With this request in place, no other requests will be honored - only requested race data will be returned
- &results=horseid&sincedate=YYYY-mm-dd retrieves a full list of race result data for one or more horses, since the date specified. If no date is specified then all races for this horse are returned. To add more horses (must be owned by current stable), separate the IDs with a period - ie &racelist=1234.1235.134634.34524 . The horses in question must currently be owned by the stable requesting the data. Race instruction details will not be provided for races where the horse was not owned by the stable at the time. NOTE: With this request in place, no other requests will be honored - only requested race data will be returned
The following limitations will apply:
- Basic XML retrieval - non Owners Club may only request horse/stable/jockey data once every 5 days
- Finance fromdate - Financial data from within the past 28 days only
- Race/results data - Non Owners Club may only request race data from within the past 3 months. Older than 3 months, they will just get basic information about the race and not including times/names of their opponents
Extra Help
- Jockey Instructions - returned in code, a string of 4 or 8 instructions. T=Traffic, R=Rail, C=Chase, L=Lead, S=Speed, H=Horse, '-' = no specific instruction
- Horse Instructions - returned in code. 1=Relax, 2=Relax/Wide, 3=Relax/Rail, 4=Hold, 5=Hold/Wide, 6=Hold/Rail, 7=Top, 8=Top/Wide, 9=Top/Rail